Recognizing CP Staff at the CP State Conference
A large group of the CP Family attended the annual CP State conference in Saratoga Springs this week to learn together and network about updates from the New York I/DD provider field.
Over two days, attendees enjoyed sessions about federal policy and disability services, the “whole person coalition,” an introduction to the Pyramid Model in NYS, and other educational opportunities.
The most thrilling aspect of the program was the Staff Recognition Awards, honoring persons at each affiliate doing extraordinary things in service and care to people with disabilities and their chosen organizations. At CP Unlimited, we were proud to recognize:
Sandra Wills, Medical Case Manager
Jeanette Evans, Senior Administrative Assistant (pictured above, left)
Loretta Orelien, Charge Nurse (pictured, center)
Tasha Walcott, Clinical Supervisor (pictured, right)
From our CP Hudson Valley team, we honored:
Paula Harris-Forbes, Rehabilitation Specialist
Jacob Vosper, Intake Program Coordinator
Glory Etim, Rehabilitation Counselor- Watermelon
Elizabeth Lyon, QI Specialist
The CP Hudson Valley Team
The CP conference cohort