Recap: Albany Press Conference Advancing Traveling with Dignity Act
The CP Unlimited team spent another day in Albany, New York as part of our ongoing advocacy efforts to raise awareness of various issues impacting the I/DD field and people with disabilities throughout the state.
This vital visit was focused on building momentum and movement for the Traveling with Dignity Act (S.7697A / A.8373A), a bill seeking to mandate the installation of height-adjustable adult changing tables in public venues and buildings to benefit people with disabilities, veterans, seniors, and other people who use wheelchairs.
Officials who lent their support to the bill and offered inspiring messages at the press conference included a who’s-who of legislative champions and grassroots reformers; we want to extend our most heartfelt appreciation to:
Senator Peter Harckham (District 40)
Assemblymember Chris Burdick (District 93)
Senator Rob Rolison (District 39)
Senator John Mannion (District 50)
Jacqueline and Anthony Scali, Changing Spaces NY, Chapter Leaders
Advocates Eileen Dellot, Diego Ortiz, Christina Rae, and Betty Williams
[Not Present] Assemblymembers Dana Levenberg and Rebecca Seawright, bill co-sponsors
See the full video of the press conference:

Quotes from the event:
“It is time for New York to require that disability-friendly restroom facilities with height-adjustable tables for adults be installed statewide so people with differing abilities can participate in the same activities, day trips and excursions that are available to everybody else. This common-sense legislation will provide safer, more sanitary spaces for caregivers and family members to aid adults in need of assistance, benefitting residents and visitors alike, and also elevating the respect and dignity these community members are well deserving of .” -Sen. Peter Harckham
“NY State prides itself on inclusivity. The legislation that we do reflect the values of who we are as a people. How can we say that we meeting our commitment to inclusivity unless we take on measures like this? This is a very simple, common-sense solution.” -Asm. Chris Burdick
“The ‘Traveling with Dignity Act’ is about respect, independence and the freedom to travel without limitations for all New Yorkers. I strongly support this legislation and commend Senator Harckham for his leadership in combating stigma and making New York more inclusive.” -Sen. John Mannion
“When I learned about the challenges some of our constituents experienced in traveling to Albany to meet with their elected representatives, I knew something had to be done. The bipartisan ‘Traveling with Dignity Act’ is a common-sense reform that provides the disability community with the respect and independence they deserve. By offering safe and sanitary facilities in most public rest areas we can support individuals with differing abilities, as well as the caregivers who may travel with them. I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to push this much-needed legislation over the finish line .” -Sen. Rob Rolison
“Having a table that can be adjusted to meet the height of the user or their wheelchair makes it incredibly easy and safe to transfer them onto the table. This feature makes the accommodation available to all children and adults with disabilities…[our nine-year-old son] will be able to use this height-adjustable table at the age of nine and when he is 49.” -Jacqueline Scali, Changing Spaces NY Chapter
“We really need this bill— for everybody.” -Betty Williams