


这个由坚定的地方领导人组成的松散团体后来被称为纽约州脑瘫协会(CP of NYS)。在几年内,该协会发展到包括整个纽约州的脑瘫治疗中心,以帮助扩大获得支持服务的机会。


In 1972, Geraldo Rivera aired a hidden-camera story on the decline and conditions at Willowbrook. After public outcry, the facility was shuttered and the manner of treating people with disabilities was forever changed. See our participation in the fiftieth anniversary event on of the airing of the program and the dedication of The Willowbrook Mile.


The shift in care launched the era of “de-institutionalization” and CP of NYS remained a leader in the field. The Agency developed mini-teams to work with former residents and to provide further staff support and training. This initiative marked the transformation of the organization from a State Association to a direct service provider.

During this period, CP of NYS was asked to take over seven buildings on the Willowbrook grounds to create community-based living opportunities for previous residents of Willowbrook and other State Developmental Centers, in collaboration with the newly formed New York State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. Today, we still support the largest cohort of former residents in CP settings throughout New York City and Hudson Valley.







鉴于我们的根基,我们仍然与我们在奥尔巴尼的附属服务办公室以及位于全州的附属合作机构保持密切联系。我们还与发展伙伴合作,扩大我们在所有这些重要领域的服务,并召集不同的机构,以便更好地为I/DD的人提供综合支持。在我们所有的工作中,我们仍然对塑造CP Unlimited历史的下一章和扩大我们的影响感到兴奋。

了解更多关于我们的董事会和领导层>> |申请加入CP团队>>

  • Borough Holiday Parties in December

    Celebrate the magic and sparkle of the season with CP Unlimited’s persons supported, staff, and families on Staten Island at our borough-based holiday parties!

  • CP Unlimited Featured in HR Dive

    Employing workers with physical disabilities or workers who are neurodivergent is “an opportunity to learn more about each other and share experiences — and really just welcome all of us who we are as adults and people,” said Joseph Pancari, President and CEO at CP Unlimited.

  • Recognizing Staff at the CP State Conference

    A large group attended the annual CP State conference in Saratoga Springs this week to learn together and network about updates from the New York I/DD provider field. We also got to honor eight of our colleagues who went above and beyond in 2024 for the people we support at CP Unlimited.

  • CP Unlimited is Now on Instagram

    Find and follow us at @ConstructivePartnerships
