


這個鬆散的地方領導人團體後來被稱為紐約州腦癱協會(CP of NYS)。在幾年內,該協會發展到包括整個紐約州的腦癱治療中心,以説明擴大獲得支援服務的機會。


In 1972, Geraldo Rivera aired a hidden-camera story on the decline and conditions at Willowbrook. After public outcry, the facility was shuttered and the manner of treating people with disabilities was forever changed. See our participation in the fiftieth anniversary event on of the airing of the program and the dedication of The Willowbrook Mile.


The shift in care launched the era of “de-institutionalization” and CP of NYS remained a leader in the field. The Agency developed mini-teams to work with former residents and to provide further staff support and training. This initiative marked the transformation of the organization from a State Association to a direct service provider.

During this period, CP of NYS was asked to take over seven buildings on the Willowbrook grounds to create community-based living opportunities for previous residents of Willowbrook and other State Developmental Centers, in collaboration with the newly formed New York State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. Today, we still support the largest cohort of former residents in CP settings throughout New York City and Hudson Valley.



到2018年,紐約州CP已發展成為一個基礎廣泛的多服務組織,為患有各種智力和發育障礙的人提供服務。同年 6 月,該機構成立了哈德遜河谷分部,為普特南縣和達奇斯縣的智力和發育障礙成年人提供住宿、日間適應訓練和第 16 條臨床服務。該組織現在包括位於紐約市的地鐵服務和地鐵社區健康中心、紐約州奧爾巴尼的附屬服務辦公室以及整個紐約州的二十四個附屬公司。

CP 無限今天

2019年,該組織將重點轉移到紐約市及其他地區,以更好地照顧越來越多的需要支援的 I/DD 患者。我們的選擇套件包括增強的社區生活,日間計劃,職業和就業計劃,醫療和臨床服務,早期干預,教育,娛樂和家庭支持服務。

隨著這一轉變,出現了一個新名稱: 建設性夥伴關係(CP)無限

鑒於我們的根源,我們與奧爾巴尼的會員服務辦公室以及遍佈全州的會員合作機構保持密切聯繫。我們還與發展夥伴合作,擴大我們在所有這些重要領域的產品,並召集各種機構,以更好地為I / DD患者提供綜合支援。 在我們的所有工作中,我們仍然很高興能夠塑造CP Unlimited歷史的下一章並擴大我們的影響力。

詳細瞭解我們的董事會和領導力 >> | 申請加入CP團隊 >>

  • CP Joins the ‘Speech Accessibility Project’ at University of Illinois

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  • Free Wheelchair Clinics all Summer

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  • Supplemental Day Hab Services

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  • Fifth Episode of ‘Staten Island Disability News’ Out Now

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