Constructive Partnerships provides comprehensive residential services throughout New York City, Yonkers, and Hudson Valley for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Our residential programs create a caring environment while promoting independence and individual choice.
接受支援的人由多元化且訓練有素的臨床團隊提供以人為本的護理,其中包括一名醫療總監以及監督臨床服務、護理、康復和營養的人員,以及經過認證和許可的 OT、PT、言語(第 16 條)專業人員,以及強大的行為支持團隊。
該機構運營 2 種類型的住宿計劃: 個人化住宅替代方案 (IRA),提供 24 小時員工支援和監督的全屋或個人公寓,以及 中級護理設施 (ICF),即為需要超出 IRA 環境中提供的服務的人提供與健康相關的護理和服務的家庭。
In addition, CP Unlimited provides OPWDD subsidy/ISS (Independent Living Support Services) for 75 people living in 80 independent homes across New York City.
CP Unlimited擁抱以患者為中心的護理,並參與醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心,旨在改善健康結果,減少可避免的急診就診和減少住院治療。為此,CP提供遠端醫療服務,讓人們在家中舒適地工作,同時照顧非緊急急性醫療投訴。我們數十年來參與西奈山姑息治療培訓計劃以及持續的內部培訓和認證方案,也突出了這種引領技術和教育以保持頂級護理的承諾。
In 2023, the organization supported 490 people living in IRAs and 130 people in ICFs across 112 residential locations throughout New York City, Yonkers, and the Hudson Valley.
Take a Virtual Tour of our Residence in Garrison, New York
“Each day is about maximizing every interaction and opportunity to help the people we support get the most from their home- from caring routines to spontaneous education. It has to be about them, what they want, and giving them everything they need.” -Altya Henson, Senior Vice President of Residential Services