布魯克林:紐約東大道 921 號,布魯克林,NY 10458
布朗克斯: 1880 布萊恩特大道, 布朗克斯, NY 10460
皇后區:36-40 37th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101
史坦頓島: 2324森林大道, 史坦頓島, NY 10303
Hudson Valley: 400 Westage Business Center Drive, Suite 105, Fishkill, NY 12524
Supporting more than 500 people each year, we are proud of our ability to offer a comprehensive and educational array of classes, activities, and programs that create a more fulfilling life for the people we support. Every day, our Day Habs offer music, reading, movement, Article 16 therapies (speech/physical/occupational options), entertainment, community engagement, and so much more, provided with patience, dignity, and warmth by the dedicated team who see the people they support as family.
Learn more about CP’s individual Day Habilitation programs throughout New York City and the Hudson Valley, and take a virtual tour of each program.
“To learn and to be able to help is unmatched. I wouldn’t trade this for the world!” -Victor Nievas, Direct Care Counselor
Supplemental Day Hab Services (3:30 – 5:30 PM, Weekdays)
Building on our leading daytime programs for people with disabilities across New York City, caregivers can also take advantage of this additional afternoon offering focused on creative recreation, art, games, and socialization. Inquire about this service in Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island by emailing communications@cpofnys.org.
CP Unlimited proudly participates in the OPWDD Day Habilitation Without Walls initiative throughout the five boroughs of New York City, offering persons-supported the ability to integrate into their local community by accessing and working at scheduled events and local programming through area businesses, libraries, parks, museums, cultural centers, and more. The goal is to prepare them for potential employment and impart independent life skills.
Currently, CP Unlimited supports 73 people in the program.
關於我們的員工:“ 他們非常有助於幫助這個組織實現我們的目標......他們每個人都很好地履行了自己的職責。必須指出,它們也對退伍軍人事務部的工作人員產生了積極影響。他們彬彬有禮,彬彬有禮。 -Shawn Kingston,James J. Peters VA醫院CDCE主任
“Each of our people have their goals to achieve and all of them try their best every day.” -Kadia Hibbert, Associate Director of Vocational Services
一旦他們準備好了,我們的個人就會在各種環境中工作,支持的人員已被安置在政府機構、財富 500 強公司、當地汽車展廳、電影院連鎖店、亞馬遜倉庫、印刷公司和地區企業中。通過微笑農場、Securedoc.org、我們的中央辦公室和其他平臺也有機構內的機會。
“What motivates me to come in every day is the ability to provide quality service to the people we support. We try to find creative ways to keep them engaged…What can we do to enhance their lives while they are here?”-Kwadwo Ofori, Vice President of Day Services