  • CP Unlimited Featured in Forbes

    Once someone with a disability has a job, they will keep it for as long as they can. And, when we work alongside someone with different abilities, it actually enhances our view of what is possible,” said Joseph M. Pancari, President & CEO of CP Unlimited

  • CP Signs Onto the ‘Speech Accessibility Project’ at University of Illinois

    “By informing the programs and devices that help people with cerebral palsy communicate with caregivers and other loved ones, these technologies can be refined to help the greatest number of persons with disabilities,” said Sebastian Chittilappilly, Chief of Programs at CP Unlimited.

  • Get Tickets to CP’s Fall Formal in Hudson Valley

    November 9: Join the people we support with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, local leaders, and sponsors from the Hudson Valley for a night of sparkle, dancing, dining, and fun!

  • CP Unlimited is Now on Instagram

    Find and follow us at @ConstructivePartnerships
